The Scottish Civil Justice Council celebrated its 10 Year Anniversary on 28 May 2023

Jun 16, 2023


To mark the occasion an event was held on Monday 12 June at Surgeons Quarter, Edinburgh, where members past and previous, from both Council and Committees, heard a speech from the Lord President on the trials, tribulations and successes of the Council over the last decade. 

He said: ‘Since its first meeting on 10 June 2013, the SCJC has approved 110 Acts of Sederunt, conducted 11 consultations on a wide range of topics and set up 6 committees to consider and agree the underpinning policy for new rules. A number of significant pieces of work have been completed. These include the rules concerning: the new Sheriff Appeal Court and All-Scotland Sheriff Personal Injury Court; the Personal Injury Pre-Action Protocol; the new Simple Procedure; case management of sheriff court family law actions; the new group proceedings; Qualified On-Way Cost Shifting; and Protective Expenses Orders. It has implemented Civil online and progressed the SCTS Digital Justice Strategy. I name but a few of the SCJC’s achievements.’


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