This Act of Sederunt was made by the Court of Session on Wednesday 2nd March 2022 and laid before the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 3rd March 2022. It will come in to force on the 31st of March 2022.
From the 1st December 2020, the Council introduced temporary rules which made it mandatory for agents and party litigants to submit their simple procedure claims directly via the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (“SCTS”) Civil Online platform, or by using the internet interface to the SCTS case management system (for those wishing to submit claims in bulk). That change to mandatory submission enables the majority of users to track and interact with their cases online.
These new rules make that change permanent, and revoke the previous temporary rules which were due to expire.
The rules continue to recognise that not everyone is able to use digital services and retains the option for claimants to make an application to submit a claim on paper if they are unable to use digital services. A sheriff considers those applications, based on the explanation the claimant provides in a brief note to the court.
The SCJC welcomes feedback on any aspect of court rules. Please email your comments to the Secretariat.