The Council has published its seventh Annual Report, which outlines its achievements, accounts and a summary of the rules prepared during the year. Find the report within the SCJC publications page of this site here. Writing his foreword as Council Chair, the Lord President, the Rt. Hon. Lord Carloway said: "Throughout this period the Council and its committees have continued to respond to rules requests in light of new legislation and policy initiatives. New rules, as well as amendments to existing rules have been enforced over a broad spectrum of subject matter, from Reporting Restrictions to various ‘Brexit’ Related instruments. A total of 10 sets of draft rules have been prepared by the Council and given legal effect by the Court of Session.
"Council has also continued to support the wider programme of civil court reform envisaged by the Scottish Civil Courts Review (the Gill Review). The Council continues to push for major reforms and build on its success of reviewing judicial review procedure, as well as continuing to review and reform the Simple Procedure Rules and implementing the various aspects of the complex Civil Litigation (Expenses and Group Proceedings) (Scotland) Act 2018. Despite the difficulties posed by the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, the Council continues to work towards implementing key initiatives." The Council’s Annual Report 2019-20 has again been published together with the Annual Programme of Work for 2020/21, which details how it will deliver its priorities for the next reporting year.
The SCJC welcomes feedback on any aspect of court rules. Please email your comments to the Secretariat.