SCJC Official Launch Event

Sep 24, 2013

The Scottish Civil Justice Council official launch took place on Monday 23 September 2013, at Parliament Hall, Edinburgh, with speeches given by the Cabinet Secretary for Justice, Mr Kenny MacAskill MSP, and the Lord President, The Right Honourable Lord Gill, to an audience of the judiciary, legal professionals, academics, policy officials and a range of individuals with an interest in the civil justice system.


Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill said:

“The Scottish Civil Justice Council is pivotal in creating a court service fit for the 21st Century.

This is an exciting time for the reform of our civil courts and the wider tribunal and criminal justice system.

The SCJC will provide a single overview and guidance to take forward Lord Gill’s recommendations for civil court reform.

It will ensure the accessibility, efficiency, effectiveness and fairness of the civil justice system, improving services for court users and making Scotland a more attractive place to do business.”


The Lord President, the Right Honourable Lord Gill, said:

“Scotland’s civil courts have not been subject to large scale reform for over a century.  The creation of the Scottish Civil Justice Council will support civil courts review by ensuring that the system will be responsive to the changing needs of modern society."

Lord Gill's full speech is available here.


About the Civil Justice Council

The Scottish Civil Justice Council was established on 28 May under The Scottish Civil Justice Council and Criminal Legal Assistance Act 2013.  It is responsible for preparing draft rules of procedure for the civil courts and advising the Lord President on the development of the civil justice system in Scotland. The Scottish Civil Justice Council replaces the Court of Session Rules Council and the Sheriff Court Rules Council

The creation of a single civil rules council for Scotland was one of the recommendations of Lord Gill’s Scottish Civil Courts Review. Many of the review recommendations will need new rules of court and the SCJC, which will have oversight of the entire civil justice system, will be responsible for taking these forward. It will also be responsible for keeping the civil justice system under constant review.

For further information please contact: Lisa Gamble/ / 0131 240 6776.


Providing Feedback

The SCJC welcomes feedback on any aspect of court rules.

Please email your comments to the Secretariat.